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Life Diagnostics / MRI Scan
MRI Scan
Magnetic Resonance Imaging is a procedure in which radio waves and a powerful magnet linked to a computer are used to create detailed pictures of areas inside the body.

MRI Scan

Magnetic Resonance Imaging is a procedure in which radio waves and a powerful magnet linked to a computer are used to create detailed pictures of areas inside the body.

The MRI scanning is non-invasive and uses magnetic and radio waves, meaning that there is no exposure to X-rays or any other damaging forms of radiation.

It is designed to image internal structures of the body. It can be used for soft tissues such as the spine and the brain. These pictures can show the difference between normal and diseased tissue. There are no known dangers or side effects connected to an MRI scan. The test is not painful so you cannot feel it while having your exam.

Preparing for an MRI scan is very easy. You can take all your normal medications and follow usual eating schedules unless your doctor gives you special instructions. The only unusual preparation for an MRI scan is that all removable metallic objects must be left outside the scanning room, including removable hearing aids, dentures, and other prosthetic devices. Credit cards cannot be brought into the scanner room since the magnetic codes on them can be affected by the magnet.

For optimal image quality when performing head scans, all makeup must be removed since it may contain metallic powders that are magnetic and degrade image quality. You may be asked to wear a hospital gown, since clothes may have metallic fasteners or metallic fibers that can interfere with the imaging. All patients are screened prior to their test by the technologist. Ear protection is always provided prior to the exam to reduce the noise level during scanning.

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